Sint voluptatum cupiditate ut sit est assumenda. Officiis voluptate occaecati et ea enim. Sequi qui ipsam omnis incidunt enim incidunt.
Posts by Alessia Lemke:
Rajab is in prison for his human rights-related activities and for freely expressing his opinions.
“Repressing citizen journalists is not only a violation of human rights but also a major impediment to Vietnam’s aspirations to become a tech and innovation hub.”
"Trump is dragging the USA and the world to the frontline of religious extremism."
Cats sleeping in clay cooking pots are all the rage in Japan right now. Apparently, they are so popular that stores have started selling pots made exclusively for cats.
The Italian authorities appear to have gotten the wrong man; will they acknowledge it? The hunt for the mastermind of Mediterranean human trafficking takes a strange turn.
Cultural heritage activists in South-eastern Europe celebrate UNESCO's recognition of the Balkan Grandma March Day custom of wearing red and white wool ornaments.
"Of respondents who reported they found it unpleasant when coming across discriminatory articles online (as described above), 19.8% said they would refrain from using the Internet."